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ASTROGEO GPMThe ASTROGEO-GPM Team combines basic research and technological development in metrology. Its works focus on studying gravity in the Solar System in order to i) explore the internal structures and superficial layer (solid, ocean, atmosphere) deformations of the Earth and Solar System bodies, and ii) test theories of low gravity. |
GeoMAT - Geology Modeling Age Tectonics The Geology-Modeling-Age-Tectonics Team includes 13 researchers and teachers, 3 engineers and technicians, and 6 Doctoral and Postdoctoral fellows. Its works build on multidisciplinary activities that combine field observation and measurement, absolute dating, and petrology, in the context of experimental, theoretical and numerical approaches. |
IMAGERIE & ONDES - Imaging and Wave PropagationThe IMAGING & WAVE PROPAGATION Team brings together 7 researchers from various administrative institutions, merging research concepts and implementation methods on the physics of wave propagation (seismic and marine waves) and geological imaging. Works are operated at various scales using natural and artificial seismic waves, and the innovative muography technique, including a major metrology component. |
MARGES - Convergent MarginsThe CONVERGENT MARGIN Team has gained an outstanding know-how in Marine Geoscience applied to convergent margin studies, including land-sea interface. Its skills span from instrument-oriented and methodology development to the numerical modeling of slab behavior, as well as operational planning for marine geophysics investigations. |
RISQUES - RisksThe multidisciplinary RISK Team integrates researchers in Geoscience, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Chemistry fields to better apprehend natural disaster events and triggering processes, and improve assessment of disaster impacts |
SEISMES - EarthquakesThe EARTHQUAKES Team aim to understand earthquakes - initiation, propagation, occurrence in time... - in order to better anticipate them, and why not, one day, predict them. To do this, the team analyses data of different types (terrestrial, marine and satellite), creates experiments to reproduce them, by modelling and simulating processes. |
Associate CEREMA Team: MouvGS - Civil EngineeringThe CIVIL ENGINEERING research Team focuses on telluric risks, seismic and gravitational phenomena, |
UMR Géoazur
Campus Azur du CNRS
250 rue Albert Einstein
- CS 10269 - F 06905 SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS Cedex
+33 (0)483 618 500